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1211 W La Palma Ave. Suite 201 Anaheim, CA 92801
Benefits of LASIK

5 Benefits of Laser LASIK Eye Surgery

LASIK eye surgery is the leading laser surgery procedure performed widely to correct refractive vision conditions and to advance the vision. The greatest motivation behind this surgery is freedom from wearing glasses and contacts. It is non-painful and it takes less than 15 minutes. You will be able to go home hours after the surgery and get a clear vision in 24 hours.

Essentially, the procedure involves reshaping of your cornea to resolve the refractive vision problem that is affecting your vision. Prior to that, your doctor will examine your eyes to determine if you are a candidate for LASIK surgery. If you are, you will be taken through the details of the procedure, the available options, and how you can finance your surgery. If you are not a candidate, the doctor will take you through the alternative available vision correction procedures.

Vision improves immediately after surgery. In most cases, you can resume your regular schedule the next day, as no bandages or stitches are required. Here are five benefits of LASIK eye surgery:

1. No More Glasses or Contact Lenses

Most of the patients who choose to undergo LASIK surgery indicate their desire for freedom from wearing glasses or contacts. If you have experienced the frustration that comes with fumbling for glasses or contacts every time you want to read something, you know what this freedom means. It is even more frustrating when you rush to work only to realize you forgot your contacts at home.

In addition, the overall cost of buying contacts and glasses is high. You will part with a considerable amount of cash every time you break your glasses or need to order new contacts. Although the initial cost of LASIK surgery is higher, you will find it cheaper than glasses and contacts in the long run.

Another issue with eyewear is attracting dust particles and catching glare from lights. You must clean them from time to time to have a good vision. LASIK surgery frees you from all these challenges and results in optimal vision which is not possible to achieve eyeglasses.

2. Fast Recovery

Corneal tissue heals fast. Your vision will improve almost immediately and you can resume your normal routine in 24 hours. While you may initially experience slight discomfort, vision fluctuations, and dryness, they clear up in the first week. Although there is no exact recovery timeline, your eyes will heal completely in 3 months.

LASIK patients rarely get any complications after the surgery and they report to have excellent vision results. The fact that the whole procedure takes a very short time and there is minimal downtime after the surgery is highly encouraging. However, the following tips are recommended by the doctors for fast and smooth recovery:

  • Avoid swimming and bathtubs
  • Avoid makeup in the first week
  • Stay in a clean environment
  • Attend all check-ups

3. Improved Vision

One of the motivating benefits for choosing LASIK laser vision correction is improved vision. It results in an optimum vision of 20/20 or even better. Many people who chose LASIK surgery also report improved night vision.

Enhanced vision not only enables you to see clearly but also boosts confidence. This is more evident as you can play freely without worrying about breaking glasses or contacts.

4. Enhanced Sports and Recreational Freedom

Many top athletes have chosen LASIK eye surgery due to the benefits that come with the procedure in the sports world. While some people argue that you can do well in sports while wearing contacts it is important to understand the risk factors involved. Eyeglasses can break, attract dust, or fall off in the field. If these happen, the performance of the involved athlete is greatly affected.

Aside from playing with freedom from the limitations that come with contacts and glasses, top athletes enjoy the following LASIK surgery benefits:

  • Improved reaction time
  • Enhanced vision while playing in challenging lights in the stadium
  • Great touch of convenience and focus while playing
  • Ability to play under extreme weather conditions and environments that glasses and would not allow

5. Safety

LASIK surgery is one of the safest eye procedures that you can undergo.. Considering the surgery is the best solution to restoring your vision permanently, you should not have any fears. The procedure also does not involve stitches and bandages and so your cornea will heal naturally.

LASIK surgery comes with outstanding benefits that eyeglasses or contacts cannot achieve. However, these benefits are only achievable when you choose a trusted, reputable, and experienced eye surgeon. In addition to the qualification, ensure the surgeon has the start of the art technology which enables him or her to perfectly perform the surgery. This involves choosing the best eye clinic. With both a reputable doctor and the best eye clinic, you are assured of smooth surgery that will result in excellent vision that you have always desired.

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