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Interesting Facts About Digital Eye Strain

With technology ever-growing, the reliance on screens grows with it. Today, more people stare at more screens in the form of desktops, laptops, tablets, phones, and even smartwatches.

Unfortunately, it does not come without consequences. Staring at screens for too long causes strain and headaches. It does not just affect adults, kids are also prone to digital eye strain. That is why we invite you to view the information below.

This is a compilation of interesting facts about digital eye strain, including myths, facts, and treatment options. But first,

What Is Digital Eye Strain?

Digital eye strain (DES) or computer vision syndrome (CVS) is a collective term that describes eye and vision-related problems that occur due to prolonged use of smart gadgets such as computers and smartphones.

This condition affects 50% of people, both children and adults. The advancements in technology have contributed to this rise in cases as more people become reliant on technology.

Depending on your condition, your eyes will work harder to maintain a clear image when viewing the screen. But with time, you will experience blurry vision, eyestrain, and migraines if you’ve been sitting in front of a computer all day.

Causes And Risk Factors

Using screens causes digital eye strain in multiple ways:

  • Posture. This is common among computer and laptop users. When using screens, you may find yourself leaning into your computer screen a little too much, resulting in poor posture. Sitting in that position for prolonged hours promotes bad cervical neck curvature, which causes headaches.
  • Lighting. Digital eye strain can also result from too much or not enough lighting. The glare from screens can be so much that it triggers migraines as your eyes attempt to adjust to the contrast. A screen with insufficient lighting will force your eyes to make images or letters using the little light available. This causes them to strain, also leading to migraines.
  • Fatigue. And finally, if you have been staring at your screen for too long, your eyes have not had enough time to rest. Your blinking will be less frequent, causing them to strain and triggering headaches.

People with uncorrected vision problems are more likely to experience symptoms of digital eye strain. Similarly, people who work on computers without protective lenses or screens will also experience digital eye strain.

Even minor vision problems can significantly increase the chances of digital eye strain when using smart devices. And obviously, people with bad posture when using screens will feel the effects of digital eye strain.

Symptoms Of Digital Eye Strain

The symptoms of digital eye strain include:

  • Eyestrain. Your eyes will be tired from focusing on the screen for too long.
  • Headaches. They could be mild to intense, depending on your situation.
  • Dry eyes. Since you will blink less, your eyes will not receive a fresh coat of moisture from tears, causing them to dry out.
  • Neck and shoulder pain. This comes with bad posture while using screens. It is common among laptop users.
  • Blurry vision. Your sight will struggle to focus, leading to blurry images.

Myths And Facts About Digital Eye Strain

This topic is not free from misconceptions spread all over the internet. The most common include:

Digital eyestrain does not affect people who wear corrective eyewear.

Many people believe that digital eye strain does not affect people with corrective wear for myopia and hyperopia, but this is not true.

Even people who wear corrective eyewear are prone to the condition, especially if they have bad posture and spend extensive time looking at screens.

Some people, however, get lenses that selectively block out high-energy blue light that contributes to eye strain and fatigue. These are ideal for people who spend time in front of computer screens.

Digital eye strain does not affect productivity.

Digital eye strain will, unfortunately, affect your productivity. Because of eye strain, you will be less precise and accurate in your work.

The headaches and fatigue will also make you slower in completing tasks. As the day progresses, you will notice that you struggle to keep up with your usual routine. Overall, you will be uncomfortable when trying to complete your work.

You cannot recover from digital eyestrain.

Yes, you can. Many forms of therapy can help your recover from digital eye strain. Most times, you just need to rest your eyes and you will be good as new. Keep reading to explore some of the measures you can take to recover and prevent digital eye strain.

How To Avoid Digital Eye Strain

  • Reduce screen time. First, you should reduce screen time throughout the day. If you don’t have to work in front of a screen all day, eliminate that screen time. Secondly, monitor how much time you spend on social media and recognize when you start developing signs of digital eye strain from personal screen use. Set your limits using this timeline.
  • Get good lighting. If you cannot reduce screen time, ensure you have good lighting when using screens. Set color and contrast tones that match the brightness of your screen with the surroundings. Ensure that the contrast of your screen with the surroundings is not so intense that you struggle to maintain clarity.
  • Anti-glare covers. Consider using a protective anti-glare screen cover to reduce the glare from your computer screen. Additionally, you should set up your monitor perpendicular to windows and other bright light sources.
  • Practice good posture. Train yourself to sit properly to avoid triggering headaches due to bad posture, sure that you have a good backrest, and that you do not slouch when working or using your phone.
  • 20/20/20 Rule. For every 20 minutes you spend on a screen, look away for 20 seconds and focus your eyes on an object 20 feet away. It will give your eyes a well-needed break, allowing you to blink naturally and rest.
  • Increase your distance. And finally, experts recommend increasing the distance between you and your devices. Put computer screens at arm’s length and hand-held devices 16 inches from your face.
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