Vision Problems And Learning Difficulties Visual representations enhance learning. This is why most people today like to learn new skills from YouTube or images online. Experts insist that children learn…
Anaheim Eye
Light Sensitivity Light sensitivity or photophobia means “fear of light.” Despite its misleading title, if you have light sensitivity, you are not afraid of light; you are just incredibly sensitive…
Daily Habits That Could Be Harming Your Eye Health One of your body’s most important sensory organs is the eyes. Without them, you will not be able to enjoy the…
Am I Experiencing A Retinal Migraine? Retinal migraines are unique and rare types of migraines that lead to vision inferences in your eye before you start to experience the actual…
First Steps in Treating Sports Eye Injuries Humans have been playing sports for centuries now, but they are more popular now than ever thanks to the availability of equipment, playing…
A Detailed Guide on The Types of Optical Lenses Glasses are fashion accessories these days, often non-optical lenses if your eyesight is okay. But you will need optical lenses if…
Best Ways to Protect the Eyes in Winter If you are the type that loves to look out the window to see the pavements and sidewalks powdered all white with…
Home Eye Safety Tips Out of all the eye injuries that happen annually worldwide, almost half of the cases happen at home. This means that even in the place most…
Types, Causes, and Characteristics of Vision Impairment Your eyes are highly developed sensory organs. In fact, more of the brain is dedicated to sight and vision compared to smell, touch,…
Are Costume Contact Lenses Safe? Costume contact lenses are contacts that alter the appearance of your eyes but do not improve vision. These contacts can change the appearance of your…