How Does Alcohol Affect Vision and Eye Health? Excessive alcohol consumption is associated with blacking out, hangovers, and generally poor health. However, it also affects vision. Alcohol affects the nerves…
Anaheim Eye
Dry Eye Syndrome: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment A normal, healthy eye ought to have substantial tear reserves. Tears keep your eyes lubricated and moisturized. But that is not the case…
Are Children Eligible For LASIK? LASIK surgery has become a standard procedure for most people looking to remove the daily struggle of wearing glasses and contact lenses. The procedure also…
Can LASIK Correct Lazy Eye? LASIK eye surgery is one of the most popular treatments for various eye issues. It can significantly improve eyesight and remove flaws. If children with…
Peripheral Vision Loss Lacking peripheral vision can change the way you interact with people and how you view the world. However, before we get deep into peripheral vision loss, we…
What is Intralase LASIK, and How Does it Work? IntraLase LASIK treatment is a blade-free process that uses lasers in vision correction procedures. The laser is used to create what…
The Three Types Of Cataracts And Their Treatments What is a cataract? A cataract refers to the build-up of protein tissue in the eye’s lens leading to cloudiness and opacity….
LASIK vs. Contacts: Which is better and Safer? LASIK is a type of corrective eye surgery that involves permanently changing the cornea’s shape. It is relatively inexpensive and safe….
Here are the Things to Avoid after LASIK Eye Surgery Laser in-situ keratomileusis, or LASIK, is a standard eye procedure designed to rectify astigmatism, farsightedness, and near-sightedness. LASIK eye surgery…
Can Eyes Change Color? Have you ever noticed a change in your eye color? Did they appear darker brown one day and look lighter the next morning? Eye color is…