1211 W La Palma Ave., Suite 201, Anaheim, CA 92801
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How To Prepare for LASIK Surgery: 8 Things To Do Before Undergoing LASIK Surgery

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The toughest step of having LASIK surgery is identifying the right clinic with the best state of the art technology and the best surgeon. This is the most important factor that determines the quality of the surgery you are about to undergo. It also highly determines how smooth your recovery will be and ensure you receive the optimal vision.

Now that you are done with the most challenging step and found out you are a LASIK candidate; it is time to prepare for the surgery. According to the eye specialists at Anaheim Eye, preparing well for the surgery will ensure that the surgery will go smoothly as you will be in the best condition for the procedure.

With many years of rich experience in preparing patients for LASIK surgery under their belts, our doctors have compiled 8 tips to guide you on preparing well for the procedure. Shall we have a look at these tips?

1. Stop Wearing Eye Contacts a Week Before The Surgery

Prior to the procedure, you will be required to stop wearing your contacts. Contacts alter the shape of your cornea, therefore, making it difficult for your surgeon to make accurate assessments. Going without contacts for at least a week before the procedure will allow your cornea to assume its normal shape. In turn, this will enable your doctor to carry out accurate calculations of reshaping your cornea. If you are wearing hard contact lenses, it is recommended that you take them off at least four weeks before surgery. You can wear glasses if you feel you need them.

2. Take Adequate Time Off Work

Although LASIK surgery is a procedure that results in minimal downtime, having enough rest after the procedure is mandatory. Ensure you book at least one day of time off from work in advance. This will enable you to rest well and give your eyes time to heal. It will also ensure you stay away from the office computer which is highly recommended in the first 24 hours after the surgery.

3. Plan For a Helping Hand

You cannot drive yourself home after LASIK Surgery. As such, plan to have someone to drive you after the procedure in advance. Although many patients can safely drive themselves to check up the next day, it is still recommended to have someone drive you so that you do not strain your eyes. While at home, ensure the person helps with house chores within the first 24 hours so that you can have enough rest.

4. Avoid Makeup

No matter how used you are to wearing makeup, you will need to refrain from them at least 24 hours before the surgery. Your face should be clean to minimize the chances of infection on your eyes and ensure the surgery goes smoothly. Also, avoid perfumes, lotions, and creams on the day of your surgery.

5. Ask Questions

Whenever you need to ask any questions about your surgery, feel free to consult your doctor. While there are many sources of information, it is important to hear from the doctor. If you are in doubt, do not fear to open up and seek clarification. This will build your confidence in the procedure and eliminate any doubts that might cause anxiety on the day of your surgery.

6. Ensure You Plan For Maximum Comfort

Ensure you are ultimately comfortable on the day of your operation. This will allow you to rest well without straining or enduring unnecessary challenges. Wear comfortable clothes that are easy to take off in case you will need a change. Moreover, ensure your home and beddings are vacuumed cleaned to eliminate dust particles. Maximum cleanness will help you avoid chances of experiencing irritation, itchiness, and infection on your recovering eyes.

7. Drink Enough Water And Avoid Alcohol, Smoking, and Caffeine

Alcohol can dry your eyes out and make the surgery challenging for you. On the other hand, water will keep you hydrated and therefore promote your healing. As you will require a good sleep and rest after the surgery, avoid caffeine because it makes it difficult to sleep.

8. Communicate With Your Doctor And Follow Instructions

If you feel there is anything your doctor needs to know about you, ensure you discuss it with him or her. Be open and honest so that your doctor will advise you accordingly. Ensure you also follow all the instructions concerning your preparation from your doctor. If your doctor asks you to do certain things or not to, it is for your best. If you feel you might forget some of the instructions, it may be in your best interest to write everything down.

Adequate preparation will ensure you have a smooth Laser LASIK surgery and even promote faster recovery. The above tips are well detailed and we hope that you will pay attention to each of them. Since your eyesight is a very important aspect, ensure you choose the best clinic and the best surgeon you can find. Combining ultimate preparation with the best surgeon in a world-class hospital will no doubt result in optimal vision enhancement.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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